Programme outline
May 7: arrival of participants, get-together evening
May 8: conference opening, conference sessions
May 9: conference sessions, half-day trip (Želiv)
May 10: conference sessions, closing ceremony
May 11: departure of participants

Invited speakers (in alphabetical order)
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ
"Entomopathogenic nematodes and insect immunity"
Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice, CZ
"Natural grazing: how to combine nature management, big herbivores and their parasites"
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, CZ
"Alveolar echinococcosis in the Czech Republic - omnipresent?"
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, CZ
"Schistosomes and their smart weapons – proteases"
Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier, FR
Faculty of Veterinary Technology, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, TH
"Amphibians and their helminth parasites: macroecological patterns and knowledge gaps"
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Hradec Králové, CZ
"Metabolism of anthelmintics and drug resistance in helminths"